Reducing Moisturizing Cream

79.86 IVA incluido

Moisturizer par excellence. Its use can be for body massage, it has lipolytic, anti-cellulite, moisturizing and moisturizing plants ideal for all aesthetic protocols; shaping, reduction, cellulite, toning, and deep hydration.

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It has Fucus, ivy, green tea and gotu kola that act as powerful lipolytics or reducers. Green tea that has caffeine is a circulation activator, draining and also belongs to anti-cellulite. the asiatic spark,
horse chestnut, ivy, and ginkgo biloba are powerful anti-cellulite. Horsetail, gotu kola and
ivy are firming and anti-inflammatory. Lemon, ginkgo biloba and gotu kola are ideal for working on anti-aging protocols.